Musings on a Mysterious Me.

just another girl doing just another thing.

Saturday, July 15


well, i am all done being sick.. yay for me! ends up it was a killer 3-day long migraine. bleh!!!
i hate it.. but it's all done now.. so psh. i have aiken right now, and we are *possibly* going to the beach today. wahoo! we went to the "beach" for a lot of the day yesterday, but not the ocean beach.. just the river beach back behind our house. still alot of fun, especially cause it's just me and the kid usually. :) we built this incredibly huge castle/river/dam/tunnel system in the sand.. it was a good 8x12 ft. tons of fun, and it took us hours! he's crashed out right now and soooo cute! i am awake early cause our doorbell rang at 6:30 this morning. who rings the doorbell that early? c'mon now! well. i hope everyone else's morning goes swimmingly, and have a great weekend! be safe!!!

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