Musings on a Mysterious Me.

just another girl doing just another thing.

Monday, July 10


had a weird day. i slept until about 2pm. i didnt feel good when i woke up. i had a gross stomach all day. i got nothing accomplished. though i did watch natural born killers and played around on the comp for a few minutes. hopefully tomorrow will be a more "successful" day, though i like to think no day is ever wasted, even if all i do is lay around all day. :) also, eric's friend - luke - will be coming to portland for a few days and we are gonna try to go see him on thursday for a little bit. that should be pretty cool. i have never met him, and he is a part of eric's childhood, so i can't wait! hmm. what else? i think that is about it for now. i miss my son a whole bunch. :( i wanna cry cause i just want him here to snuggle me. he gives the best snuggles in the universe.. and i think that is what i need right now. well - back to bed for me. eric will be home soon, and his snuggles will do just fine. ;) (though i still miss my baby... )


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