Musings on a Mysterious Me.

just another girl doing just another thing.

Sunday, July 9


I am sitting here.. taking a break from my all important task. Whew. I am re-organizing both computers. It wouldn't be so hard, except that the laptop is getting completely wiped out. Completely. The hard drive will be completely emptied of EVERYTHING and redone from the ground up.. which of course means that I get to transfer a buttload of files to the desktop. Bleh. And it's so hard to figure out what I already transferred and what I haven't transferred, and what is "transfer-worthy". I take waaaaayyy too many pictures of random things. But oh well. Haha. At least I will be able to cross something off of my 43Things list! Which gives me room for a new goal. Wahoooo!!! Well, wish me luck! Oh yea. Had a great weekend with the boy, though I wish we could have done more.. Next weekend.. the Carnival is in town! Yay! Oh yea. Buzzed all the Jaybes hair off this weekend. He loves it.. but his grandparent's and dad aren't as thrilled. Psh. Like it's a big deal. It makes him lots cooler I am sure.. and he looks so darn cute anyway! K.. more work. Grueling labor. Sucks!


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