Musings on a Mysterious Me.

just another girl doing just another thing.

Tuesday, July 11


still feeling sick. :( this sucks! my heads starts POUNDING anytime i get up, or sit down, or move, or my blood pressure goes up even the slightest bit. i bent over to get some water out of the fridge earlier and nearly passed out from the pain. i wonder whats up. i don't have a cough or sore throat or fever or sniffles or anything. it's just my head and body is soooo sore. and i haven't been able to get enough sleep. i went to bed at about 11 last night and slept til noon, then went back to bed at around 3pm and slept til 7:30pm and now i'm exahusted again and it's only just past 10:30pm. aargh! maybe i'm dying of lyme disease or something. :( wish me luck on the not dying bit, okay? haha. i suppose i will write more if i wake up tomorrow. ha. until later......


Blogger Somer Delia said...

at least my belly feels better!

10:43 PM  

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