Musings on a Mysterious Me.

just another girl doing just another thing.

Tuesday, March 4

Catch Twenty Two

Nearly spring, still snow on the ground, the dirty brown edges to the brilliant white cloud my mind. I can't wait for the palest green to enliven, washing out this drab winter.
Though winter isn't always awful - the first snowfall, the heavy one, paints everything a new dazzling white. It even has it's own scent - it brings to mind sitting in my car for the first time, seeing things out of its sparkling windshield, breathing in that new car smell.
But now, the tail end of winter, after six long months, I am ready for a break. I can't stand white much longer, and definitely not that dull damn sandy brown.
I need fresh air, fresh rain, fresh cherry blooms falling from the branches like cute little angel wings from the sky. But then I will be sick of it - the heat, the sticky hot summer days. The beach that clings to you like soot to a chimney - sand and salt water burrs on your skin.
At last Autumn and some reprieve - gorgeous colors changing at your very whim.. But it's cold - and rainy - and wet - and if it's gonna be that way I would just rather it be winter!
Sitting - waiting for that first thick blanket of snow.

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