Musings on a Mysterious Me.

just another girl doing just another thing.

Friday, February 22

Wow! What a beauty.. :)

Steve Irwin woulda been in heaven.

Monday, February 18

My 43 Things!


So it's been quite awhile since I have been on - and there is so much that has happened since. But the most important of all of this is - I have started my own photography company! Smiles! by somer*delia - You can check out my portfolio at and even order existing pictures, or set up an appointment for new photos! I am offering some great deals so I can gain experience with all sorts of photography. Also - I am working on gaining full custody of Aiken still. It's gonna be a long hard road but I am working on it! He's here now, bein' a goon as usual. Well, I will most certainly be posting on here more often now, promise! And I am going to start a couple new blogrolls - maybe photography and recipes..?

More later..!


Somer Delia

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